Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where do you get your information from?
    We were unable to find a single resource that was both comprehensive and authoritative when compiling The Political Directory. All the information was gathered through our own investigative research -sourced from various government and personal websites, cached archives, news articles and unoffical confirmations by officials in relevant agencies.
  • Why is the information not consistently presented?
    As we are unable to find one consistent source of information, we update our databases as we go along. Please let us know about any inaccuracies or inconsistencies, and we will correct them as soon as we can.
  • Why not use Wikipedia instead?
    We were unable to find all of the required information on Wikipedia when we first started The Project. We are quite happy for people to copy any information they wish from here on to Wikipedia if they wish to, and provide a reference link at the bottom to The Nigeria Project, showing where the information came from. So far, we have not found information on Nigerian personalities on Wikipedia to be completely accurate. Many profiles are overly-flattering and appear to have been written by the individual themselves or their supporters. As The Project does not endorse any particular individuals, it would be against our principles to use unverifiable information.
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